B.A. and M.S., University of Ljubljana; Ph.D., Case Western Reserve University
Branko Bucar is an Associate Professor at the DeVille School of Business at Walsh University in North Canton, Ohio. He received his Ph.D. in International Business and Entrepreneurship from Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH and has since taught strategic management and entrepreneurship courses at University of Ljubljana, Slovenia; Pace University, NY and Walsh University, OH, has consulted with a number of companies on strategic management projects, and worked as a Senior Advisor to Slovenian Mission to United Nations in the 2nd Committee – Financing for Development.
Dr. Bucar has presented and published a number of articles on business ethics, economic development – community development enterprises, organizational legitimacy, new venture performance, Internet based enterprises and strategic alliances.
Stock, K. L., & Bucar, B. (2021). DIRTT: Sustainably Changing Modular Construction. SAGE Business Cases.
Bucar, B., Stock, K., & Vokoun, J. (2017). Walking in Another's Shoes: Enhancing Experiential Learning Through Design Thinking. Management Teaching Review.
Bucar, B. (2015). The Evolutionary Processes in the Introduction of the New Organizational Forms. Global Business Conference.
Antoncic, B. & Bucar, B. (2014). Modeling the Impact of the Resource-Acquisition Network Signaling of Legitimacy on Firm Performance. Global Business Conference.
Baugher, D., Bucar, B., & Weisbord, E. (2011). Which Policy Areas foster the Greatest Conflict between Corporate Headquarters and Operating Units of Diversified Firms? Advances in Management, 4 (6), 50-55.
Bucar, B., Baugher, D., & Weisbord, E. (2009). Does the Source of Policy Conflict in Diversified Firms Differ as a Function of Industry Sector? American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences.
Bucar, B. & Croucher, J. (2008). Transformative Business Models for Organizing Primary Producers and Their Integration into Value Chains. International Strategic Management Conference.
Bucar, B. (2007). Organizational Legitimacy: The Effects on Performance and Survival of Emerging Companies. Eastern Academy of Management Conference.
Bucar, B. & Croucher, J. (2005). Are Small Enterprise Development Strategies Up to the Challenge of Economic Development? The United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (USASBE) Conference.
Bucar, B. (2005). Conflict of Taking Credit: The Bureaucratic Creation of Entrepreneurs. The United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (USASBE) Conference.
Bucar, B., Glas, M., & Hisrich, R. D. (2003). Ethics and Entrepreneurs: An International Comparative Study. Journal of Business Venturing, 18 (2), 261-281.
Bucar, B., Hisrich, R. D., & Oztark, S. (2003). A Cross-cultural Comparison of Business Ethics: Cases of Russia, Slovenia, Turkey, and United States. International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, 10 (1), 3-29.
Bucar, B. & Glas, M. (2003). Entrepreneurship as the solution in difficult postwar circumstances. Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference.
Bucar, B. & Drnovsek, M. (2003). Ethical behavior construct: measurement and practical implications. Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference.
Bucar, B. & Hisrich, R. (2001). Die Wirtschaftsethik von Managern und Unternehmern: ein Vergleich. IGA Zeitschrift für Klein und Mittelunternehmen, 49 (4), 221-236.
Bucar, B. & Hisrich, R. D. (2001). Business Ethics of Entrepreneurs vs. Managers. Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship (6), 1-22.
Bucar, B., DeCarolis, D., & Deeds, D. (2000). The impact of alternative collaborative arrangements on shareholder wealth creation in the biotechnology industry. Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference.
Bucar, B., Vahcic, A., Hisrich, R. D., & Glas, M. (1998). Why Slovene public policy should focus on high growth SME-s. Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference.
Bucar, B. (2007). Ethics and Entrepreneurs: An International Comparative Study. International Entrepreneurship. Northhampton, MA: Edward Edgar Publishing Limited.
Bucar, B. (2019) “Creativity and Design Thinking Course Development at Walsh University” International Entrepreneurship Applied Research Symposium at CSU, Cleveland, OH.
Stock, K. & Bucar, B. (2019) “Case DIRTT - Thinking Holistically towards Sustainability by Doing It Right This Time” NACRA conference, Phoenix, AZ.
Bucar, B., Embree, C., Reolfi, M., Stock, K., & Szendrey, J. (2015). The Application of Gaudium et Spes in Business School Curriculum Development: Examples of Course Assignments, Assessment Tools, and Challenges Faced. The Church in the Modern World: Teaching & Understanding Gaudium et Spes after 50 Years, St. Paul, Minnesota.
Bucar, B. (2015). The Evolutionary Processes in the Introduction of the New Organizational Forms. Global Business Conference, Sibenik, Croatia.
Stock, K., Bucar, B., & Vokoun, J. (2014). Addressing the Innovation Gap by Integrating Design Thinking and Experiential Learning. Midwest Academy of Management, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Bucar, B. & Antoncic, B. (2014). Modeling the Impact of the Resource-Acquisition Network Signaling of Legitimacy on Firm Performance. Global Business Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
Bucar, B., Scott, R., Stock, K., & Vokoun, J. (2014). Introducing Design Thinking and Innovation in the Classroom and on Campus. Lilly International Conference on College Teaching, Oxford, Ohio.
Bucar, B., Baugher, D., & Weisbord, E. (2009). Does the Source of Policy Conflict in Diversified Firms Differ as a Function of Industry Sector? American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences, Las Vegas, Nevada.
Bucar, B. & Croucher, J. (2008). Transformative Business Models for Organizing Primary Producers and Their Integration into Value Chains. International Strategic Management Conference, Sarajevo, Bosnia.
Bucar, B. (2007). Organizational Legitimacy: The Effects on Performance and Survival of Emerging Companies. Eastern Academy of Management Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Bucar, B. (2005). Conflict of Taking Credit: The Bureaucratic Creation of Entrepreneurs. The United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (USASBE) Conference, Washington, District of Columbia.
Croucher, J. & Bucar, B. (2005). Are Small Enterprise Development Strategies Up to the Challenge of Economic Development? The United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (USASBE) Conference, Washington, District of Columbia.
Deeds, D., DeCarolis, D., & Bucar, B. (2005). The Impact of Firm, Alliance, and Partner Characteristics on the Wealth Creating Effects of Entering a Strategic Alliance. Strategic Management Society, Orlando, Florida.
Hisrich, R. D., Antoncic, B., Bucar, B., Berginc, J., & Ruzzier, M. (2005). Entrepreneurial Networks - International Aspects of SME Networking in Slovenia: Governmental Networking Programs. Academy of Management Annual Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Bucar, B. & Deeds, D. (2004). The mediating role of organizational legitimacy in resource-based models of firm performance. Strategic Management Society, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Bucar, B. & Drnovsek, M. (2003). Ethical behavior construct: measurement and practical implications. Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Boston, Massachusetts.
Glas, M. & Bucar, B. (2003). Entrepreneurship as the solution in difficult postwar circumstances. Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Boston, Massachusetts.
Deeds, D., DeCarolis, D., & Bucar, B. (2001). The wealth creation effect of strategic alliances in high technology ventures. Academy of Management Annual Conference, Washington, District of Columbia.
DeCarolis, D., Deeds, D., & Bucar, B. (2000). The impact of alternative collaborative arrangements on shareholder wealth creation in the biotechnology industry. Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Boston, Massachusetts.
Vahcic, A., Hisrich, R. D., Glas, M., & Bucar, B. (1998). Why Slovene public policy should focus on high growth SME-s. Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Ghent, Belgium.