Christine McCallum

Christine McCallum
Chair, Physical Therapy Program/Professor
School of Behavioral and Health Sciences, Physical Therapy

Contact Info
Betzler 240A

Dr. McCallum is a researcher, physical therapist and advocate for the profession of physical therapy with a history of service and leadership to her communities of practice.  Dr. McCallum was promoted to the Program Chair position in fall 2021 after serving as the long standing Director of Clinical Education within the program.   Dr. McCallum is a credentialed clinical instructor and a licensed physical therapist in the State of Ohio.

Dr. McCallum currently serves as the Vice President of the APTA Academy of Education, where she is part of the Executive Committee and board liaison to the Academy’s Research Committee.

Dr. McCallum is a published author of her research which focuses on her interests in organizational management, clinical education and curriculum development.


Certificate, Mental Health First Aid.  Ohio 2023

PhD., Curriculum and Instructional Studies, Post-Secondary Education, The University of Akron  2005

M.S.Ed., Higher Education Administration, The University of Akron, 1995

B.S. Physical Therapy, Ohio University, 1991


Professional Practice course series

Professional Experience course series

Community Health and Service Project

Evidence Based Practice, faculty mentor

Clinical Practice

Health and Wellness, Older adults

ABPTS, Board Certified Geriatric Clinical Specialist, 2002-2012

Awards/Honors and Recognition

2017, Wall of Fame Inductee, Massillon Jackson High School

2015, APTA Educational Leadership Institute, Fellowship graduate

2012 Nominated-Outstanding Physical Therapist of the Year, Ohio Physical Therapy Association

2009 Best Poster Presentation, Ohio Physical Therapy Association Annual Conference

2009 Best Platform Presentation, Health Policy and Administration, APTA CSM

2008 Faculty Research Award, Walsh University

2007 Walsh University Presidential Leadership Group

Grant Funding

Greco JL, Hochman L, Applebaum D, McCallum CA. (November 2021). Relationships in doctor of physical therapy clinical education: As told by the key stakeholders. American Physical Therapy Association. Academy of Physical Therapy Education Grant 2021. Funded.

Recent Publications/Presentations (Select, 2015-present)

Peer Reviewed Publications:

McCallum CA, Murray L, Engelhard C.  The impact of task-fit misalignment and the Director of Clinical Education: a grounded theory study. JOPTE  2023

Engelhard C, McCallum CA, Murray L. Assessing the accuracy of Director of Clinical Education roles/responsibilities taxonomy and matrix: A Delphi study. JOPTE. 2021; 35(4): 340-349. doi: 10.1097/JTE.0000000000000202

Rindflesh A, Flom-Meland C, McCallum CA, Prescher K, Reynolds E, Scardillo J, Nolan- Gusman L, Maes K, Cohoon C, Cookinham B, Ellerbe Redd, T. Towards standardization of the placement process used in full-time clinical education experiences: findings and recommendations of the placement process task-force. JOPTE. 2021; 35(3): 171-181. doi: 10.1097/JTE.0000000000000193

McCallum CA, Murray L, Tilstra M, Lairson A. Assessment of employability skills: a systematic review of the availability and usage of professional behavior assessment instruments. JOPTE. 2020; 34 (5): 252-263.

Alexander M, Gaydos K, Walch A, McCallum CA. Which interventions incorporating physical and cognitive elements are most effective to improve gait in cognitively impaired older adults? A systematic review. Physical Therapy Reviews. 2019; 24(5): 239-247.

DOI: 10.1080/10833196.2019.167452410.1080/10833196.2019.1674524

McCallum CA, Bayliss J, Becker E, Nixon-Cave K, Colgrove Y, Kucharski-Howard J, Evans K, Stern D, Strunk V, Wetherbee E, Russell B, Legar T. The integrated clinical education strategic initiatives project-development of parameters to guide harmonization in clinical education: A scoping review. Physical Therapy. 2019; 99 (2): 147-172.

McCallum CA, Engelhard C, Applebaum D, Teglia V. Trends, issues, challenges, and the Director of Clinical Education: preparing for a new direction in physical therapist clinical education. JOPTE. 2018; 32(4):312-324.

Engelhard C, McCallum CA, Applebaum D, Teglia V. Development of an innovative taxonomy and matrix through the examination of the Director of Clinical Education Roles and Responsibilities. JOPTE. 2018; 32(4):315-332.

Cavanaugh E, Korczyk J, McCallum CA, Wilhelm M. The predictive validity of physical performance measures in determining markers of preclinical disability in community-dwelling middle aged and older adults: a systematic review. Physical Therapy. 2018; 98 (12): 1010-1021.

Recker A, Putt R, Broome E, Farrell A, McCallum CA, Paz J. Factors Impacting discharge destinations from acute care for patients with TBI: a systematic review. Journal of Acute Care Physical Therapy. 9(1):35–45, JAN 2018. DOI: 10.1097/JAT.0000000000000068

Cook CE, McCallum C, Musolino GM, Reiman M, Covington JK. What traits are reflective of positive professional performance in physical therapy program graduates? A Delphi study. J Allied Health. 2018; 47(2):96-102.

Jensen GM, Nordstrom T, Segal RL, McCallum CA, Graham C, Greenfield B. Education research in physical therapy: visions of the possible. Physical Therapy. 2016; 96 (12) 1874-1884.

Riley SP, Covington K, Landry MD, McCallum C, Engelhard C, Cook CE. Selectivity of physiotherapist programs in the United States does not differ by institutional funding source or research activity level. J Educ Eval Health Prof. 2016 Apr 15. doi: 10.3352/jeehp.2016.13.17.

McCallum CA, Reed R, Bachman S, Murray L. Clinical instructor demographics/characteristics and the impact on students’ clinical education experience: A systematic review. JOPTE. 2016; 30(3):11-20.

Cook C, Engelhard C, Landry M, McCallum C. Modifiable variables in physical therapy education programs associated with first-time and three-year National Physical Therapy Examination pass rates in the United States. J Educ Eval Health Prof. 9/2015;12: 44.

Cook C, Landry M, Covington JK, McCallum C, Engelhard C Scholarly research productivity is not related to higher three-year licensure pass rates for physical therapy academic programs. BMC Medical Education. 09/2015; 15(1):148. DOI:10.1186/s12909-015-0431-1

Covington K, McCallum CA, Engelhard C, Landry MD, Cook C. Do differences in programmatic resource investments result in different three year United States National Physical Therapy Examination pass rates? Journal of Allied Health. 2016; 45(1):27.

Engelhard C, McCallum CA. A description of current curricular design models used in physical therapy clinical education and their relationship to pass rates on the National Physical Therapy Examination. The Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences and Practice. Vol. 13 No. 3 ISSN 1540-580X October 2015.

Peer Reviewed Platform Presentations (selected)

McCallum CA, Murray L, Engelhard. (October 2021). Impact of task-fit malalignment on the Director of Clinical Education position: results of a delphi study. Educational Leadership Conference, Atlanta, Ga.

Engelhard C, McCallum C, Murray L. (February 2021) Assessing the Director of Clinical Education (DCE) roles/responsibilities task fit impact: A Delphi study. Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association: Academy of Education, virtual.

McCallum, CA, Murray L, Tilstra M, and Lairson A. (October 2020). Development of employability skills: A conceptual framework for professional behavior advising. Educational Leadership Conference, virtual.

McCallum CA, Engelhard C, Applebaum D, Teglia V. (February 2017). Trends, issues and challenges and the Director of Clinical Education: Preparing for a new direction in physical therapist clinical education. Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association: Education Section. San Antonio, Tx.

Howman J, Horton E, Duke E, Swisher A, McCallum CA, Sindelar B. (February 2016). Clinical performance outcomes following integrated clinical education experiences: A comparison of four models. Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association: Education Section. Anaheim, California.

Peer Reviewed Scientific and Professional Presentations

Wolden M, Flom-Meland C, Gusman L, Drevyn E, McCallum C. (October 2021). Clinical learning: What is the optimal length for clinical educational experiences in DPT education? Educational Leadership Conference. Atlanta, Ga

Jensen G, Santasier A, Huhn K, Wainwrigth S, McCallum CA. (October 2021) Mini Gamer-Grant Workshop for Educational Researchers. Educational Leadership Conference-Preconference Full day workshop. Atlanta, Ga.

Jensen G, Santasier A, Huhn K, Wainwrigth S, McCallum CA. (October 2020) Mini Gamer-Grant Workshop for Educational Researchers. Educational Leadership Conference-Preconference Full day workshop. Virtual

Vitak K, Both A, McCallum CA, et al. (November 2019) The dual roles of a clinical educator: mentoring and assessment. Ohio-Kentucky Consortium of Physical Therapy Clinical Education Annual Clinical Educators Workshop. Cleveland, Ohio.

Jensen G, Santasier A, Huhn K, Wainwrigth S, McCallum CA. (October 2019) Mini Gamer-Grant Workshop for Educational Researchers. Educational Leadership Conference-Preconference Full day workshop. Bellevue, WA

McCallum CA, Murray L, Santasier A, Engelhard C. (October 2019). The rest of the story: building blocks for developing education researchers and agendas. Educational Leadership Conference. Bellevue, WA

Rindflesch A, Flom-Meland C, McCallum CA, et al. (October 2019). The Clinical Placement Process Taskforce: An update about our crucial conversations. Educational Leadership Conference. Bellevue, WA

Both A, Bayliss JA, McCallum CA, Boyd A. (May 2019). Updates in clinical education and the impact on mentoring students. Ohio Physical Therapy Association Lunch and Learn Series- webinar (highest attended session to date).

Engelhard C, McCallum CA, Applebaum D, Teglia V. (September 2018). The rising phoenix in academic physical therapy: revelations about clinical education. Breakout session 2018 Physical Therapy Profession, Educational Leadership Conference. Jacksonville, Fla.

Becker E, Evans K, Wetherbee E, McCallum CA. (September 2018). Ten guiding principles to develop or enhance your ICE, implications for academic programs and clinical environments.

Breakout session 2018 Physical Therapy Profession, Educational Leadership Conference. Jacksonville, Fla

Engelhard C. Both A, Apke T, McCallum C, Pollak A. (October 2016) In the pursuit of excellence: reframing your clinical education program. Presentation at APTA 2016 Educational Leadership Conference (ELC). Phoenix, Az.

Soper S, Erickson M, Timmerberg JA, McCallum C. (October 2016). Clinical Education Summit Strategic Initiatives: Updates and Ideas. Presentation at APTA 2016 Educational Leadership Conference (ELC). Phoenix, Az.

Segal R. Jensen G, McCallum C, Nordstrom T. (October 2016). Building our educational research capacity: How do we strengthen our foundation? Presentation at APTA 2016 Educational Leadership Conference (ELC). Phoenix, Az.