Advancing your career, what’s holding you back?

I can remember the first few months of the year 2005 so well.  Those months were the final chapter of my undergraduate journey through nursing school.  Some of my fondest memories come from that time in my life.  I recall sitting in the N-CLEX review course with some of my friends and talking about how excited we were to be done with coursework and that we couldn’t wait to close the “student” chapter of our lives.  Little did I know, that was a chapter that would continue to remain open and is still open today.  I can actually recall saying the words “I’m never going back for more education. This will be it for me”.  It was such a bold statement, but I just “knew” I was ready for a break from the academic setting.  Fast forward 6 years and you would find me applying (willingly) to be a part of the Nurse Educator program at Walsh! My, how quickly my mind was changed!! Ever since making that decision, I have never once regretted it.  Going to graduate school was one of the best choices I have made in my career. The Graduate Program at Walsh is personal.  The faculty strive to meet your needs both in and out of the classroom.  I was able to schedule my classes around my busy lifestyle without any issues.  I was working as a nurse in acute care, married with a toddler at home and pregnant with my second child when I started into the program.  It is a flexible program and can accommodate any learner in any stage of life. Was it hard? Yes.  Was it worth it? Absolutely!!

I used to tell myself things like “I don’t have time for graduate school” or “what if it is too hard and I can’t handle it”.  Whatever the negative thoughts you have stirring in your mind are, remember, you can do anything you put your mind to! Those thoughts are keeping you from advancing your career and potentially keeping you from greater happiness and fulfillment in your role as a nurse.   Picture it, the year 2020. The brink of a new decade, the next chapter of your life perhaps.  Then 2020 decided to change everyone’s plans, for everything. But, don’t let the COVID crisis of 2020 hold you back from your dreams.  I challenge you. Squash your fear and break through the graduate gate with enthusiasm and excitement about your future.  Check out the Nurse Educator program at Walsh University and start your journey to advancing your career.

Are you interested in impacting the lives of future nurses by becoming a nurse educator? Learn more about earning your online Master of Science in Nursing - Nurse Educator degree from Walsh University.

About the Author


My name is Colleen Wiley and I am a nurse educator. Growing up I always wanted to be a teacher, but I also had an interest in learning about science. I have always loved helping people which is why I chose to pursue a career in nursing. I spent my time in undergraduate nursing school working as a nurse intern on a medical surgical unit. After graduation in 2005, I worked at the bedside caring for post-operative patients and I loved it! Eventually, I started offering to train new employees and I would also take on nursing students for their clinical preceptorship. It was then that I truly realized my real passion was seeded in becoming a nurse educator! I started working as an adjunct clinical instructor in 2010 and immediately knew this was the path for me. A fire was lit inside of me! That burning feeling of helping others was reignited as I shifted my focus from helping sick and/or recovering patients in the acute setting to helping students learn how to become a nurse. I pursued a graduate degree in nursing education which I earned in December of 2014. I have been working as a nurse educator ever since I took that first leap back in 2010.

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