If a student is found responsible for violation(s) of Walsh University policies, disciplinary action will be taken. Infractions will lead to sanctions ranging from positive actions, University warnings, loss of privileges to expulsion. Walsh University Student Conduct & Community Standards strives to educate students on making positive decisions. The descriptions provided below are intended to inform students of the range of possible consequences for violating the student code of conduct. In each case, factors such as the gravity of the incident, the motivation for underlying behavior, the student’s conduct history, and precedent in similar cases will be considered with determining the appropriation disciplinary action(s).

1. Education & Reflection
Education and reflection programs are designed to help engage students in a positive learning experience at Walsh University. These programs provide an opportunity to further educate students about the impact their behaviors have on themselves and members of the community. Furthermore, students are able to reflect on their behaviors, choices, and values in order to critically examine how they can make better decisions in similar circumstances.

This type of disciplinary action may include, but is not limited to, engaging in a campus or community service, attending or presenting a program related to the implications of the students’ conduct, writing a reflection or research paper, conducting interviews, or engaging in some type of personal assessment, mediation, advising, or counseling. The student will be responsible for any costs associated with referral to external offices.

2. University Warning
A University Warning is a formal, written notification that the behavior(s) is inappropriate and violates the basic social conduct policies set forth in the Walsh University Student Handbook. A University Warning is issued by the Hearing Officer after the policy and expectations have been reviewed with the student during the judicial conference.

3. Restitution
Restitution requires a student to pay for damages, destruction and/or loss of University property, property of members of the University community, or of visitors to Walsh University. The amount of restitution is dependent on the extent of damage/loss as well as what is determined to be the most appropriate method for repayment. The amount, form, and method of payment for restitution is determined by the Hearing Officer.

4. Fines
For some violations, fines may be imposed by the University. Any fines collected will be used to support educational programming for students. Delinquent fines may be assigned to the student’s billing statement.

5. Community Probation
Community probation is a formal notice to the student that he/she has demonstrated a continued unwillingness to respect the rights and privileges of community membership either on or off campus. This is an action that calls for the separation of the student from the community for a fixed period of the time. Community probation may include, but is not limited to, days/times when the student is not permitted to be on campus grounds and/or University sponsored events; restrictions on access to certain facilities; prohibition from attendance at social events; etc.

Removal from campus will be for a period not to exceed 30 days for those who are required to live in the residence hall. Upon the hearing officer’s recommendation (in consultation with the Chief Student Conduct Officer and/or Vice President for Student Affairs), students may be able to serve the required time consecutively or over weekends. Any removal that exceeds 30 days will result in a recommendation to the Vice President for Student Affairs that the student be suspended or expelled from Walsh University.

6. Residence Hall Reassignment
A responsible living environment in the residence halls requires all members of the community to respect one another’s rights for safety, security, and personal space. Serious disruption of, or continued disregard for, the hall community can lead to removal from that community. This action involves moving a student out of his/her assigned room, hall/wing, or building for a specific period of time or permanently.

7. University Probation
University probation is a formal notice to the student that the behavior(s) in question is unacceptable and that, if continued or if other inappropriate behavior follows, more severe action may be taken, including possible suspension or expulsion from Walsh University. University probation is for a specific period of time and can include, but is not limited to, such restrictions as denial of the opportunity to participate in extra-curricular activities or events, to participate and/or perform in the name of the University, to serve as an officer of a student organization, or to reside in University housing. Additionally, students who have been placed on University probation for a period of more than 16 weeks will be limited in the options they may have for housing for the following year a determined by the Hearing Officer in consultation with the Chief Student Conduct Officer.

8. Suspension
Suspension from Walsh University involves the exclusion of the student from participation in any academic and/or other extracurricular activities of the University for a specified period of time and may include prohibiting the student from being on University premises. Suspension during a semester in progress will result in the student being immediately withdrawn from all registered classes and the application of any financial responsibilities. The University reserves the right to place a student on Interim-Suspension until an outcome is reached through the judicial process.

9. Expulsion
Expulsion is a serious University disciplinary action and involves the permanent exclusion of the student from Walsh University. This action also includes being indefinitely prohibited from being on the campus and all University owned or controlled properties. Expulsion during a semester in progress will result in the student being immediately withdrawn from all registered classes and the application of any financial responsibilities. An expelled student is not eligible for re-admission to Walsh University.