The Forensic Studies Minor is an interdisciplinary minor introducing students to how forensic concepts in the legal system are presented in the natural sciences, social sciences, humanities, business and nursing. Students often use the minor to complement a major that focuses on forensic applications for careers in law enforcement, criminal investigations, crime scene reporting or other areas of the criminal justice field.

Through the Foundation Courses, students receive an

  • introduction to forensic science, crime scene investigation, the nature of evidence and a chemistry overview
  • understanding of violence treatment and prevention
  • awareness of the sociological, social-psychological, psychological and biological aspects of crime and criminal behavior

Elective Courses provide more opportunity to learn special topics supplementing a major. For example:

  • Prevention, detection, investigation and resolution of fraudulent business practices
  • Application of critical thinking and writing skills
  • Role of evidence collection and sensitive interpersonal skills to meet the needs of victim patients;
  • Overview of pharmacology and forensic drug analysis
  • Role of the psychologist in the courts relative to forensic evaluation, insanity pleas and treatment options
  • Function of criminal justice processes, compensation and service programs for victims

A forensics studies minor requires 18 semester hours:

Foundation Courses (9 hours)

NS 114 Introduction to Forensic Science (3)
PSY 200 Psychology of Violence (3)
SOC 305 Criminology (3)

Electives (9 hours)

BUS 345 Fraud Examination (3)
ENG 200-1 Studies in Short Fiction: The Detective Story (3)
ENG 318 Special Topics: The Detective Novel
NURS 250 Introduction to Forensic Nursing (3)
PSY 350-1 Special Topics: Forensic Psychology (3)
SOC 312 Victimology (3)