Frequently Asked Questions
Below are some frequently asked questions regarding the Occupational Therapy programs at Walsh University.
The fieldwork experiences within the program are critical to a strong education in occupational therapy. What is unique about the clinical experiences at Walsh?
Students will complete Level I fieldwork rotations during the 2nd, 3rd & 4th semester of coursework. These placements will be competency based and consist of at least 45 hours of contact time in the clinic where all of our students will be rotating through specific sites to gain specific skills. In the 5th & 6th semesters of the program, students will be completing Level II fieldwork which is full-time for either 6 or 12 weeks with the expectation that the student will be at an entry-level at the completion of 24 weeks of Fieldwork II experiences.
What if I have past criminal convictions on my record?
Students should be aware background checks are required to complete fieldwork assignments. Past criminal convictions may prevent a student from completing the necessary fieldwork requirements based on site specific policies.
All students applying for the Occupational Therapy program should be aware that prior criminal convictions could affect the student's ability to obtain a license to practice in the State of Ohio and in other legal jurisdictions (states, districts, territories) in the United States upon graduation from the program. It is the student's responsibility to determine whether he or she is eligible for licensure as an occupational therapist in the state in which he or she wishes to practice.
Do I need to have a Bachelor's degree to apply and be admitted to Walsh University's occupational therapy program?
You do not need to have completed your degree to apply or be interviewed however, you must have completed your degree and all of the pre-requisite coursework prior to beginning the graduate OT coursework.
Do you have a time limit on classes taken to meet the pre-requisite course requirements?
No; however, the pre-requisites are in place to help prepare you for success in the OT coursework. We encourage applicants to evaluate their level of preparation from previous coursework and make decisions that will provide them with the best opportunity for success.
How can I determine if a course at my institution will meet a specific pre-requisite requirement?
We have an equivalency chart in the Office of Graduate Admissions. If your course is not yet on the list, we will complete a syllabus review to determine if the course will meet the requirement.
How many observation hours are required?
Twenty hours of observation in at least two different OT locations is preferred. You also must be supervised by a licensed occupational therapist, or occupational therapy assistant for the observation hours. All observation hours must be verified with a signature from a licensed occupational therapist or occupational therapy assistant and include the name of the site. Please refer to our form for necessary components. If you are completing an internship with an occupational therapist as part of your undergraduate degree, you can count this toward one of your observation sites even if it is not complete prior to submitting your application (if you are completing two internships at two different sites, you may count both to fulfill the observation hour requirement).
If I am already a licensed occupational therapy assistant (OTA), do I need to complete the observation hour requirement?
No, if you successfully passed the OTA NBCOT exam, you do not need to complete the observation hours.
What should I major in for my undergraduate studies?
You may study and major in any area of interest to you as long as you have completed the pre-requisites coursework. Here at Walsh, the psychology pre-occupational therapy degree incorporates the pre-requisites into the curriculum.
Will coursework be held during the day or at night and on weekends?
All coursework will be held during the day. An occasional night or weekend requirement may be necessary but students will be notified in advance so arrangements can be made.
Can I work while I am enrolled in the OT program?
This is an intensive program and will require not only in-class time but also time to prepare for class and complete assignments. It is highly advised that you not work, however some students may choose to work part-time.
How long will it take to complete the MOT program?
The program is six consecutive semesters (2 years) beginning in the fall.
How long will it take to complete the OTD program?
The program is seven consecutive semesters (27 months) beginning in the fall.
What are the requirements to complete the MOT program?
The Occupational Therapy program has three primary academic standards:
- Students must maintain a B (3.0) overall GPA throughout the program,
- Students must receive a satisfactory/passing grade for all Fieldwork I and II experiences,
- Students must receive a course grade of B- or higher in every course.
The Occupational Therapy program follows the Student Retention Policy in the OT Program Student handbook, which outlines a stepped process of formative and summative assessment geared to ensure that students are informed of their academic standing and status in the program. Students who do not meet one or more of the primary academic standards may be given a warning and/or placed on probation with remediation as deemed appropriate prior to dismissal from the program.
Students must complete the didactic portion of their coursework within 36 months of admittance to the Master's of Occupational Therapy program and complete Level II fieldwork within 24 months following completion of the didactic portion of the program.
What are the requirements to complete the OTD program?
The Occupational Therapy program has three primary academic standards:
- Students must maintain a B (3.0) overall GPA throughout the program,
- Students must receive a satisfactory/passing grade for all Fieldwork I and II experiences,
- Students must receive a course grade of B- or higher in every course.
The Occupational Therapy program follows the Student Retention Policy in the OT Program Student handbook, which outlines a stepped process of formative and summative assessment geared to ensure that students are informed of their academic standing and status in the program. Students who do not meet one or more of the primary academic standards may be given a warning and/or placed on probation with remediation as deemed appropriate prior to dismissal from the program.
Students must complete the didactic portion of their coursework within 36 months of admittance to the Doctor of Occupational Therapy program, complete Level II fieldwork within 24 months following completion of the didactic portion of the program and the doctoral capstone experience within one year of completion of the final Level II fieldwork.
Do Walsh graduates receive special consideration for admittance?
Walsh graduates must complete the same admission requirements as all other applicants.
Do I need to have all of my pre-requisite coursework completed prior to applying to the Walsh OT program?
No, you must have 6 of the 9 pre-requisite courses completed prior to submitting your application.
Do I need to have all of my pre-requisite coursework completed prior to matriculation into the OT program?
Yes, 9/9 Prerequisites are required to be completed prior to matriculation.