Service-Learning Courses

Walsh University faculty members can benefit in a variety of ways from teaching a service-learning course. Service-learning can help faculty enhance teaching, build stronger relationships with students, broaden topics for research, and demonstrate a commitment to the community.

For a course to receive an "SL" designation, the service-learning experience must:

  1. Enhance the course learning outcomes through the application of course content.
  2. Be clearly outlined in the course syllabus and be an expressed goal in at least one learning outcome.
  3. Involve experience with a community-based organization* during which the students work to meet a need(s) identified by the community organization.
  4. Involve at least 10 hours of service experience for a 3 credit hour course.
  5. Involve continuous, challenging, connected, and contextualized reflection on the experience and learning (pre-service, during service, and post-service).

Service-learning can provide support to interested faculty through project consultation, community site development, class workshops (Service-learning orientation, pre-service activities, or reflection activities), and other resources.

Service-Learning Course Funding

Faculty may apply for funding from service-learning for course projects, programs, or resources. These small grants are designed to support faculty or assist students in the development and implementation of a project which aligns with the course and benefits the community.

Funding will be determined based on the budget each year and on the following criteria:

  1. How the project/program aligns with the mission or vision of service-learning (enhancing learning and benefiting the community)
  2. How innovative and creative the project/program is
  3. How the money will be spent
  4. How many students are involved


Contact Kristi Campbell at, for access to the ECN site, which hosts resources such as sample syllabi, rubrics, reflections, articles, community partner profiles, and more.