A student enrolling in the University assumes an obligation to conduct him/herself in a manner compatible with the University’s function as an educational institution. Students who attend functions, on or off campus, as official representatives are expected to adhere to the provisions of this code. Normally misconduct of the following nature is subject to judicial action and/or civil and criminal penalties:

  1. Dishonesty, such as cheating, plagiarism, or knowingly furnishing false or misleading information to University officials.
  2. Forgery, alteration, or use of University documents, records or instruments of identification with intent to defraud. Identification cards used illegally will be confiscated, and violators — owners and possessors— will be subject to judicial action.
  3. Action which disrupts or tends to disrupt teaching, research administration, judicial proceedings, or other University activities on or off University premises or which endangers or tends to endanger the safety, health or life of a person including, but not limited to, the following:
    • Physical or verbal abuse of any person;
    • Sexual assault of any person;
    • Hazing in any and all forms;
    • Disorderly conduct or loud, indecent or obscene conduct;
    • Turning in false fire alarms or tampering with fire equipment.
  4. Action which damages or tends to damage public property or private property not one’s own.
  5. Appropriating for one’s own use public or private property without the consent of the owner or the person legally responsible for that property.
  6. Actions inconsistent with published rules relating to the use of campus buildings and other facilities.
  7. Actions inconsistent with the mission statement of the University.
  8. Failure to comply with directions of University officials acting in the performance of their duties. This includes failure to attend a fact-finding meeting or judicial hearing.
  9. Possession of firearms (including B-B and pellet guns), swords, arrows, explosives, or any other weapons which are strictly forbidden in the residence halls, in vehicles on campus, or on any other University owned or operated property.
  10. Violations of civil laws and University regulations concerning the possession and/or use of illegal drugs and alcoholic beverages.
  11. Violations of Federal, State, and municipal laws or any other conduct not included above which adversely affects the function of the University and the pursuit of its educational purposes and objectives.

Violation of any of the standing rules of the residence halls, University regulations, or any conduct deemed to be such as to require the removal of the student from the residence hall for more than thirty (30) days shall be grounds for expulsion from school and termination of the room and board contract without refund. In case of such termination, the room deposit will be forfeited.

Violations of University policy and residence hall regulations are reviewed by the Chief Student Conduct Office or the Vice President for Student Affairs. Each student, along with the staff, has the right to make conduct referrals to the Chief Student Conduct Officer or the Vice President for Student Affairs.

If the violations and/or violators are of such a nature that the Chief Student Conduct Officer or the Vice President for Student Affairs determines the person who has violated policies is of danger to other students or disruptive enough to the University environment, s/he may immediately remove the person from campus until such a time as a conduct hearing may be scheduled. These incidents, along with those involving sexual harassment and sexual assault, may result in an Administrative Conduct Hearing with the Chief Student Conduct Officer or the Vice President for Student Affairs/Dean of Students or his/her designee, who will serve as the Hearing Officer.