The Federal Report On The Quality of Teacher Education

Praxis II

On the Ohio Praxis II group of written tests of educational theory and techniques for the 2007/2008 academic year, Walsh University students achieved a pass rate of 100% on the Principles of Learning and Teaching 5–9 and 7–12 tests and a 97% pass rate on the K–3 test.The aggregate pass rate for these professional knowledge tests equaled 98%.

Students who took the following content tests passed at a 100% rate: Early Childhood Education and Special Education Knowledge-based Core Principles test. The aggregate pass rate for content knowledge tests (Mathematics, Science, Language Arts and Social Studies and teaching special populations) is 100%.The summary pass rate for all tests is 98%.

The Division of Education's Teacher Preparation Program enrolled 58 students who completed the program during the 2007/2008 reporting period.For additional data on the Praxis II scoring, please contact the university's Office of Admissions.

Teacher testing was adopted in Ohio in 1985. Currently, the State of Ohio requires that candidates take the Praxis II tests as a condition of licensure. The tests were designed to determine whether a candidate has the minimal knowledge and skills necessary to teach. Beginning in the Fall of 2003, the Division of Education requires successful completion of the appropriate Praxis II content test prior to student teaching and passage of the Praxis II Principles of Learning and Teaching during the student teaching semester. The tests required in the State of Ohio for each licensure area and the cut scores are list in the "Praxis II Requirements" in this section.

  1. Single-Assessment Institution Level Pass-Rate