Walsh University has put together this resource page to help ensure your success for the remainder of the semester. Bookmark this page and refer to it often for quick contact information for all of your questions, and guidance for all things online including best practices, technical support and more.
Walsh Resources
Information Technology (IT) Help Desk Information
The IT Help Desk is open Monday through Friday. Please call or email for assistance.
Call: 330.244.4357 ( leave a message if no answer, please don’t keep calling.)
Email: helpdesk@walsh.edu
Below are resource pages anyone can use. They are geared towards Teaching and Learning, but if you are interested please review our resources:
Getting Help from the Walsh Library
If you are off-campus we offer a variety of ways you can receive assistance from us for any question(s) regarding research, citations, or more.
- Chat – Our chat service allows Cav Nation to chat live with a Walsh U librarian. Get to chat from the library homepage and then scroll down to the box that is labeled, “Chat with a Librarian!”
- Zoom conferencing – You can meet “face-to-face” with a librarian using Zoom. There is no need to download anything, a librarian will send a link to start the consultation.
- Email – Email the library at library@walsh.edu . We can answer questions, send step-by-step instructions with screen-captures, and more.
- Resources 24/7 - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, the Walsh U Library delivers access to articles through our many databases and discover layer Search-a-Lot , digital newspapers , and eBooks . When you’re not sure where to go, how to start your research, or what to do next, contact your librarian.
Tutoring Support
- The Academic Support Center is prepared to assist you with tutoring support, including online tutoring and writing assistance. Please contact Meredith Soduk at msoduk@walsh.edu for any academic support needs including accommodations related to a disability or temporary medical condition.
The Career Center is Available Virtually
- Schedule a one on one appointment on Handshake. Appointments include: Resume & Cover Letter Coaching (for jobs or grad school), Job or Internship Search, General Career Coaching, Practice Interview
Global Learning
- Schedule One-on-One Appointments. Start the planning process by scheduling a personalized advising appointment through Handshake with Megan Huston.
Technology Support
Information on how to use ECN and the technical requirements.
Instructions on how to record a Zoom video presentation.
Instructions on how to use Youtube for speech assignments.
Questions? Campus Resource Email Guide
The following reference list was compiled to answer any questions you may have from different areas at the University.
Academic Support Services – Meredith Soduk at msoduk@walsh.edu
Billing or Financial Aid – finaid@walsh.edu or studentservicecenter@walsh.edu
Bookstore – Email at sm372@bncollege.com
Campus Police – Steve Miller at smiller@walsh.edu
Career Center – Stephanie Koontz at skoontz@walsh.edu
Counseling Services – Francie Morrow at fmorrow@walsh.edu . Limited services will continue by phone and e-mail during the period of online instruction.
Degree Completion – degreecompletion@walsh.edu
ECN – helpdesk@walsh.edu
Human Resources – Jennifer Hoffner at jhoffner@walsh.edu
IT Help Desk – helpdesk@walsh.edu or Jennifer Loudiana at jloudiana@walsh.edu
Residence Life – Joe Grossman at jagrossman@walsh.edu
Student Affairs – Rachel Hosler at rhosler@walsh.edu
Transcripts – registrar@walsh.edu and transcripts@walsh.edu
Local Medical Resources:
If you are in need of medical attention, we advise you to contact your Primary Care Doctor, utilize Teledoc medicine, and inquire with the Ohio Department of Health for questions.
AultmanNOW | 2203 E. Maple St. North Canton, Ohio | 330-363-8680
Aultman Hospital Emergency | 2600 6th St. SW Canton, Ohio | 330-363-6203