Transition Points

Candidates should become familiar with the five major transition points in the Teacher Education Program.

  1. The first occurs during the sophomore year when students are officially accepted into the program.
  2. The second occurs during the junior year when students are accepted into the pre-clinical/clinical practice program and become candidates.
  3. The third point is exit from the clinical practice semester.
  4. The fourth point follows candidates’ progress after graduation and into their first year of teaching, continuing to assess candidate satisfaction through the use of surveys.

Data is collected at each transition point to measure program effectiveness and determine improvements to the curriculum to help ensure each teacher candidate adequately meets the minimum standard for six candidate proficiencies. Assessments of the proficiencies affirm the Division of Education’s expectation that candidates:

A.  Demonstrate knowledge of content in their respective fields
B.  Know and apply their knowledge of how children and adolescents learn
C.  Vary instruction in order to meet the needs of all children and adolescents
D.  Use technology to enhance teaching and learning
E.  Impact student learning
F.  Exhibit traits of professionalism

Candidates must be aware of deadlines and program requirements for each transition point and work closely with their advisor to ensure all pre-conditions are met. Transition points are announced in classes and through Walsh email.

Transition Point # 1: EDUC 107: School and Society Course

The Division of Education Handbook is reviewed in this course. Candidates must successfully complete the introductory education course EDUC 107: School and Society with the grade of B- of better. This includes successful completion of the required field experience. Division of Education policy states a candidate may take EDUC 107 no more than 2 times to achieve the B- or better. Candidates are responsible for the payment and completion of BCI&I and FBI fingerprinting and results must be in compliance with the Ohio Department of Education licensure requirements (see pages 25-26 for more details).

Transition Point # 2: Admission to Teacher Preparation

Candidates pursuing licensure must be formally accepted into the Teacher Preparation Program. Transition Point # 1 usually occurs during the second semester of the sophomore year or after the completion of the four core education courses. Acceptance into the program is a prerequisite for enrollment in higher-level (300 and 400) education courses including pre-clinical and clinical practice. The deadline for application to the Teacher Preparation Program is the third Friday of each semester/session: Fall, Spring, Summer I, and Summer III in which requirements will be completed. Applications and other related materials for the Teacher Preparation Program are available in the Placement and Licensure Office, and the deadline for submission is clearly stated. Criteria to apply for Teacher Preparation include: 

  • GPA = 2.7, overall and education content coursework
  • Completed a minimum of 49 total credits
  • 4 core education courses (minimum grade of B- in each course) 

• EDUC 107, School and Society
• EDUC 206, Exceptionalities and Multiculturalism in a Global Society
• EDUC 208, Instructional Technology 

  • EDUC 264 Education Psychology
  • Pass English 102, or Honors English 103, or English Department recommendation (minimum grade of B-)
  • Pass Math 104 or higher (minimum grade of B-)
  • Current, clear BCI&I and FBI background checks
  • Write an essay 

• Candidates will receive specific directions about the essay in the application information
• Specific topics/directions will be determined by the Division
• The essay will be written on a specific date in a campus computer lab and monitored by       a Division of Education faculty or staff
• Candidate must earn the minimum of 7 points out of 9 to pass the essay

  • Candidate approval by Division of Education faculty

Candidates are notified by letter by the Office of Field Placements and Licensure of their application status: either approved, conditionally approved, or denied.

A candidate who is conditionally accepted may continue to resolve the issue(s) until approved.

A candidate who is denied admission into the Teacher Preparation Program:

  • Will not be permitted to enroll in 300/400 level education classes
  • May be advised/decide not to remain in the Division of Education
  • May appeal to the Division’s Educator Candidate Development Committee (must be submitted in writing within two weeks of the denial letter and must be accompanied by appropriate documentation)
  • May appeal to the University Standards Committee if dissatisfied with the decision of the Educator Development Committee

Transition Point # 3: Entry into Clinical Practice

Application for acceptance to pre-clinical/clinical practice program is usually made the semester prior to pre-clinical practice. Placements are coordinated by the Office of Field Placements and Licensure with local school districts and are generally made in Stark and surrounding counties. Candidates are required to have their advisor’s approval to move forward. The following specific requirements must be satisfied:

Pre-Clinical (Pre-Student Teaching)

  • 2.7 GPA, overall and education content coursework
  • Clearance by the Director of Field Placements and Licensure (audit sheet)
  • Current, clear BCI&I and FBI Background checks

Clinical (Student Teaching)

  • 2.7 GPA, overall and education content coursework
  • Clearance by the Director of Field Placements and Licensure (audit sheet)
  • Current, clear BCI&I and FBI Background checks

Transition Point # 4 Exit from Clinical Practice and Professional License

To satisfactorily complete clinical practice, candidates must receive a minimum rating of 2 on the following evaluations completed by their cooperating teacher and university supervisor: Ohio Educator Standards, Specialized Professional Association (SPA), and Walsh Candidate Proficiencies. Candidates must also complete the edTPA project, a Reflective Portfolio (aligned with Ohio Educator Standards), and a Heritage III paper (university requirement). Candidates must complete student teaching and seminar with a minimum grade of B-.

Candidates are eligible to apply for a State of Ohio teaching license upon completion of the following:

  • All University and Division of Education coursework (cleared by the University Registrar)
  • All required licensure testing for the State of Ohio
  • Current, clear BCI&I and FBI Background checks on file with the Ohio Department of Education
  • Complete the appropriate on-line licensure application and pay the required fee

Transition Point # 5: Program Follow-Up

Surveys are used to follow candidates into their first year of teaching. The Division of Education will gather information from the candidates themselves and their employers.

Field Experience, Pre-Clinical, and Clinical Practice (Student Teaching)

Field experiences are a required part of many courses in the Division of Education. Candidates will spend time in area schools to complete these requirements. Field experiences are designed to put theory into practice--to provide practical knowledge base and tools for candidates to develop the knowledge and skills to teach. Field experience includes clinical practice (pre and student teaching).

Candidates should not find their own field placements. They should work with their instructor or the Field Placement Office.

The Division of Education has established several "structured and embedded" field experiences with a carefully selected partner school. These experiences are designed so candidates have the opportunity to work with students in a variety of diverse school settings. The structured and embedded field experiences are aligned with the Division’s candidate proficiencies, the Ohio Educator Standards, and the national SPAs (Specialized Professional Associations).

Other field assignments will be made through the Field Placement and Licensure Office in conjunction with the Division of Education instructor and his/her specific course. If a candidate has a conflict attending a specific field assignment, paperwork must be completed. An appropriate substitution is approved or provided by the Placement Office.

At the end of each field experience, candidates are responsible to submit to the course instructor a completed Field Experience Evaluation/Time Log. Any falsification of this form may result in dismissal from the Division of Education.

If necessary, approval may be given for a different field experience site other than the one required in the course syllabus. The candidate must discuss the situation with the instructor and complete the Substitution for Field Experience Placement form. This will be signed by the course instructor and submitted to the Placement Office for approval.

Failure to successfully complete all field experience requirements will result in an "F" in the class.